
Our Mission

Our core mission at Semantic Square is to build Complete Engineers - engineers who are well-rounded with a deep understanding of every concept without any loose ends. Everything has been learnt well with a purpose. Moreover, they have a solid understanding of design principles, patterns and best practices, which are critical for writing well-designed code, which is easy to understand & maintain. All great engineers have these traits and their solutions are highly sophisticated and stand the test of time. Complete engineers are passionate about the solutions they craft and are confident and happy.


Our Philosophy

Based on Thoreauvian principles, we take a unique and a radically different process from Universities to teach Engineering. Our courses are extremely in-depth, highly inspiring, and very practical often built over few years. They are very different from the approach taken by traditional 12-week semester courses followed at Universities. For instance, our flagship online program Java In-Depth: The Master Course has been built for over 6 years full-time and is currently one of the top programming courses in the World. Its content is being used by over 100k students from 160+ countries. Every concept is thoroughly researched, tested and mostly put into practice in real products that we build following best practices. We code every day and carry some of that into our courses. So, we really know what we are teaching and not just relaying concepts from books. If you are curious to know more about why we are doing this, then do read our story below.


Our Story

The idea of Semantic Square has taken its roots during its founder's (Dheeru Mundluru) experience as a software engineer in Silicon Valley. After working for several years with many excellent engineers, Dheeru realized that sometimes the teams he worked with fell short of developing effective solutions. This led to several rounds of "code refactoring" resulting in loss of valuable time for the organization. This he realized was due to programming not being taught in the right way at most Universities & Colleges across the world. Students are mostly taught core programming language features without any emphasis on best practices or design rules required for writing well-designed code. Due to this, developers are often ill-equipped when they have to come up with good solutions for complex problems. This leads to some quick ad-hoc & incomplete learning, which often not only result in bad solutions, but also more importantly causes lot of stress on developer's part. This made Dheeru realize that a more holistic approach to teaching is needed where programming language features are taught along with best practices & design principles needed for building well-designed robust software. Semantic Square's flagship program Java In-Depth: The Master Course was a result of this realization. Over 100k students from over 160 countries have already benefited from these lectures. It was meticulously built over several years and was first launched on Udemy where it quickly received tremendous response from students across the world and has since remained as one of Udemy's top Java courses.